Assemblies of God Online
The Assemblies of God - in America

Assemblies of God in Australia
The Assemblies of God - in Australia

Assemblies of God World Missions (Australia)
The Assemblies of God World Missions

Bible Commentary Page
A good place for study with wonderful links. Definitely worth a good look.
Good News Australia!
Yeah AUSSIE!!! Something from DOWN UNDER

Australian Christian Web Index
Aussie Christian Homepages full of all sorts....resources etc

Grace Notes Homepage
Every so often you find something so totally great and Grace Notes is one of those places.
Christian go check this one out if you like notes and more notes and all sorts of goodies

Christian Connections Worldwide
The name says it all....

More well known ministries
A link page to many well known ministries around the world.

Global Christian Network
A Christian Search Engine ideal for Christians
Virtual Appendix
A Christians guide to essential resources on and about the net

Forty Days To Freedom
"Forty Days To Freedom" is a practical application workbook for freeing individuals from addictions, harmful obsessions, and habitual sin. The workbook is free but you pay the postage. Have a look you may find the help you are looking for.

click here for
 Anointed Christian Links - each with a jar of anointing oil
Try these great Christian links won't regret it!

Aussie Down Under
AN Aussie Christian website with links to other Aussie websites.

Seed Of Abraham
For all you motorcycle fans who love Jesus.

Good places for web designers.


Make Straight The Paths
Standing up against abortion and homosexuality. Check this out folks.

EMU - Evangelical Members within the Uniting Church - Sth Australia
Another site speaking out against abortion and homosexuality

Love and Action Friends
This is a site for help with the trauma of AIDS. Many suffer and their families and friends too. This site can help.


Shareware and games galore
HTML Editors
Some good editors here and other useful tools.
Shareware on the net
Just the place to go to get that program. There is good Christian stuff in there

Type keywords in the box below to search the NRP WWW Yellow Pages!

Maximum number returned:

AAA Matilda United States AAA World Announce Archive -Matilda Search Engine
An Aussie search engine. Why not check it out.


This is where there are heaps of good things to see, use and get.
There are heaps more links for resources, sermons, study, family, science, music, ministry and more
Check it out!

Location:  http://members/

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This page last updated on Ocyober 12th, 2003
This webpage created by Graham [email protected]
P.O.Box 43 Beenleigh, Queensland, Australia 4207