By Graham Bauer
Matthew 25:1-13
Jesus uses a normal evening wedding to show us of his second coming. The guests await the groom's coming.
(A) The Circumstances
There are five facts we must know of Jesus's second coming.
(1) His coming is certain. John 14:1-3 "He prepares a place for us, comes again to get us so we will be where He is"
(2) The timing is uncertain. Matthew 24:36 No one knows the day or the hour.
(3) We must be ready for Him. Matthew 24:44 He comes when we think not.
(4) Blessed are those that are ready. Matthew 25:10 Only those that are ready will be able to go in.
(5) The unprepared shall miss out Matthew 24:51 True and final separation.
(B) The Ten Virgins - v1-4
Their similarity:
(1) They call themselves virgins - like everyone calls themselves Christians but only some really are.
(2) They looked alike - moral, clean living, sincere,church goers - yet unsaved.
(3) They all carried a lamp -all professed something e.g. were Christians, were going to heaven, this or that.
Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet [profession] and a light [way of living] unto my path"
(4) They were all on the same errand - to meet the bridegroom.
Their dis-similarity:
(1) Five were wise (born again) five were foolish (unsaved)(not maintaining their Christian walk)
(2) Inside they were different - five were spirit filled
- They bought oil with them. Oil = Holy Ghost
- They kept themselves full of the Holy Ghost/oil.
- Matthew 25:4 Oil = Holy Ghost, Vessel = our body,
Lamp = our spirit. The Holy Ghost lives in our body (His temple) and shines through our spirit.
- The light shines into the darkness of the world about us.
(C) The Slumbering Guests -v5
They were all sleeping -v5
(1) The cause of Christians sleep
Proverbs 24:33"yet a little sleep, a little slumber,a little folding of the hands to sleep"
What is our spiritual attitude?
Lack of (1) Study of the Word - no knowledge or wisdom
(2) Prayer - no power, no fellowship with God
(3) Witnessing - no works of faith, no love of the lost, no fruit for the vine
(4) Self denial - no love, following the flesh (senses), no growth in their spirit or walk.
(2) The result of Christians sleep
Loss of (1) Communion - Like Adam we hide from God's presence.
(2) Joy - fountain of life turned off
(3) Usefulness - We become unreliable, untrustworthy.
(D) The Midnight Cry - v6
(1) The Time - "Midnight"= The hour of darkness
2 Timothy 3:1-5 = Physical - what the unwise do
1 Timothy 4:1-4 = Spiritual - false doctrine,
apostasy = lack of knowledge of the word.
(2) The Manner - unexpected and very sudden
Matthew 24:44 At a time when you think not.
(E) The Prepared Virgins v7-10 "The Wise"
(1) They arose Ephesians 5:14, Romans 13:11 Not the time to sleep or slow down in our zeal for God.
(2) They trimmed their lamps Revelation 3:3 On the spiritual alert.
(3) They were ready - prepared for His coming 1 Thess.1:9-10
Are you prepared for His return? Are you ready?
(4) They went in - "Salvation" Hebrews 9:28
(5) They were with Him - "Fellowship" 1 Thess.4:13-18
John 14:1-3 "In my fathers house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you,I come again to you, so where I am you are to."
(6) Marriage = "Blessedness" Revelation 19:6-9 Because we are saved!
(7) The door shut - "Division" Revelation 21:27 Only the saved.
(F) The Foolish Virgins v8,10-12 "The Unwise"
(1) The Unprepared Amos 4:12 Are you caught unprepared?
(2) The shut door Luke 13:24-28, Gen 7:16
(3) The awful cry v11 Let us in, Let us in. The panic.
(4) The sad answer v12 He does not know them. No fellowship
(5) The pointed application v13 2 peter 3:8-14
- Be diligent in serving the Lord
- Be diligent in maintaining your relationship with Jesus.
- Be diligent in prayer.
- Be diligent in keeping your lamp trimmed.
- Be diligent to keep your vessel full of oil.
- Be diligent to shine as the candle of the lord and not be found wanting at His sudden appearance
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Graham [email protected]
P.O.Box 43 Beenleigh, Queensland, Australia 4207