By John Carter - United Kingdom

What is the next step after believing the gospel?

To be Baptised in water. Mark 16:15-16

But was I not baptised in water when I was sprinkled as a child?

That cannot be as true Baptism is by immersion. The Greek word for "Baptise" means to dip, plunge or emerge

Is it therefore necessary for me to be baptised again?

Seeing that sprinkling is not Baptism you have never been Baptised. Even if you had been immersed as a baby or as an unsaved adult that would not suffice as "repentance" and "believing" must precede the Baptising. Mark 16:16 Acts 2:38; 8:36-37

Were babies never baptised in the New Testament?

There is not a single scripture to say they were. Only believers were Baptised. Matthew 28:19 and Acts 8:12 and 37

What other scriptures prove that baptism is by immersion?

In order to Baptise the eunuch, Philip led him "into the water" and he came up "out of the water" Acts 8:38 which would only be necessary where immersion was practised. Also John the Baptist baptised in a part of the river where there was "much water". John 3:32 "Much water" is surely not required to sprinkle people
Baptism is moreover likened to "burial" as in Romans 6:4. Such a figure can only bear one interpretation and that is that of immersion. See also "planting" in Romans 6:5

How soon after conversion should Baptism take place?

There should be no delay whatever in taking this step. Acts 8:36-38; 22:16; 10:47-48; and 16:33

But surely Baptism is quite an optional matter?

The commands of Christ can never be regarded as optional. They are obligatory upon His children. And Baptism is a command of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20. It is vain to say we love Christ if we are unwillng to keep His commandments for obedience is a proof of our love. See John 14:15, 21 and 23. Moreover Christ Himself set us an example in this matter. Matthew 3:13-15 and we are to follow His footsteps 1 Peter 2:21

Did the Apostles enforce Baptism upon new converts?

Yes, we read that Peter "commanded" converts to be Baptised. Acts 10:48 and 2:38

What is the purpose of Baptism?

It is an open confession of one's faith in Christ - "the answer of a good conscience toward God." 1 Peter 3:21 It is the symbolical washing away of sins Acts 22:16 although without true faith it can be a vain ceremony as in the case of Simon Acts 8:13 and 21-23 seeing it is the Blood of Christ which really washes away sins. Revelation 1:5

Does Baptism take the place of the New Birth?

No outward ceremony can supersede the New Birth. Galatians 6:15. The New Birth does not even synchronise with the act of immersion, it must always precede it. The "water" in John 3:5 is symbolical of the "Word". Ephesians 5:25-26. We are born again of the Word of God. 1 Peter 1:23, James 1:18 and 1 Corinthians 4:15

What teaching is connected with Baptism?

In the first place Baptism is a figure of death Romans 6:3,5 6 and 8. Now Christ as our representative ebdured the actual Baptism of death for us. Luke 12:50 We acknowledge in Baptism that we deserve to die, being sinners, thus we die with Christ symbolically Romans 6:3.
Having died, we are buried with Christ, indicating that the old life, which was put to death with Christ, is never to be seen again

Does Baptism teach anything else?

Yes, having been identified with Christ in His death, we are also identified with Him in His resurrection. Romans 6:4,5 and 8 and Colossians 2:12. Therefore, we are raised out of death into new life with Christ. Galatians 2:20. Being new creatures we are to live Christ-like lives. Galatians 3:27. Henecforth we are to walk in "newness of life". Romans 6:4

But what if I do not feel all this after being Baptised?

We are to live by faith not by feelings. Faith reckons it is so. Romans 6:11
Being raised with Christ Colossians 3:1, we are to "seek those things which are above". We are to "set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth".

But what if I cannot live such a life afterwards?

You cannot in your own strength. "We are raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead" Colossians 2:12. The same power that worked in the Lord Jesus Christ in raising Him, operates in us as we trust God. As we have confidence in the strength of the human Baptiser to raise us out of the water, so we have trust in the strength of God to raise us with Christ into this new Devine life.

Ought I to be Baptised in the name of some particular Church?

We are not Baptised into the name of any Church, or any great preacher. Baptism is "into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost" Matthew 28:19.
We are not to be disciples of men, however great they may be, but followers of Christ

Who should Baptise a believer?

According to the New Testament, Baptism was performed by any minioster of the Church. Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 1:14-17 and Acts 8:12 and 36. or by any fellow believer. Acts 9:17-18

After having been Baptised, what should follow next?

The Gift of the Holy Ghost is promised to those who repent and are Baptised. Acts 2:38. This experience should therefore be earnestly sought

Should every believer expect to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost?

Yes. Either at Baptism, as in the case of the Saviour, Matthew 3:16 or soon afterwards. Acts 8:12-17 and 19:1-6.

If one is already Baptised in the Holy Ghost, is it necessary to be Baptised in water?

Yes, even after the house of Cornelius had received the Holy Ghost Peter yet commanded them to be Baptised in water. Acts 10:44-48. Thus the normal experience of a believer in Christ should be a three-fold one, Acts 2:38, resulting in holiness and powewr, and thus fitting us both to serve on earth and to live in the presence of God.

Is your experience complete?
Are you willing to obey God in being Water Baptised by full immersion?

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