The Eyes
By Graham Bauer
Proverbs 4 : 20-27 Sermon Series
Proverbs 4:26-27
Eyes, eyes, eyes - What's so special about the eyes or the eyelids?
Let's look at each separately
The Eyes
[A] Matthew 6:22-23 Light
Our body is the dwelling place of our spirit - the earthen vessel.
Our eye is our spiritual discernment. We walk in either the light or the darkness.
John 1:3-5,9 Jesus breathed life into every person.
The spirit gives life to the body.
When the spirit leaves the body dies.
If we look in through the window of the eyes what shall we see? - great light, great darkness,
demons, life's hurts, cares and worries.
Shall we see Jesus Christ?
Jesus has come to bring us light = life and abundantly (John10:10)
John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life"
We must walk His way, in His truth, in His light.
[B] The Lust of the Eyes
Proverbs 27:20 Man's eyes always want more.
1 John 2:15-17 Three areas od temptation.
Luke 4:5-7 "Look" at all this!
Genesis 3:6-7 "Look" Eve!
2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan comes as a beautiful angel of light and not as a hideous monster with
a goats head.
He comes to deceive...."Look here! Look there!"
[C] We must look straight on
We must look straight on. Not to the right, not to the left, but straight on to Jesus, the Word,
God's truth, God's promises.
"If I go now I go to prepare a place for you"
We become that what we behold - the lies of satan or the truth of God.
Satan says we are weak but Jesus gives us power over all the enemy.
There is so much more about the eyes.
- The eye that mocks Proverbs 30:17
- The eye that understands Ephesians 1:18
- The eye that will not see Mark 8:18
The eyelids
The eyes are our "spiritual vision" but the eyelids are our "revelation".
For our eyelids to get revelation our eyes (spiritual vision) must be on Jesus.
Job 7:4 We are like Job. Our spirits are restless at doing the same things day in and day out - we
need revelation knowledge.
How do we get revelation knowledge?
By looking at the daystar, Jesus.
In the natural As the sun rises we are sitting with our face turned toward it's rising. At first the
light hits our face and hitting the eyelids first then enters the eyes.
In the spiritual As Jesus the son rises in our life He shines His light upon us. His light
(revelation) first hits our spiritual eyelids then enters our spirit through the eyes.
We can only have this light by waiting upon Him - spending time with Him.
As His glory shines on us we have light. His light is life.
We grow in revelation and understanding...first the soft gentle early light of dawn. Light is shed
into the darkness.
Eventually we have the full light of the noon day where there is no shadow.
God is love, light, truth and a consuming fire. In His light is no shadow.
If your eye be single - looking to Jesus only - you will be full of light and life.
If your eye be full of darkness - looking away from Jesus - how dark is that light?
Let Jesus be your light and shine it to men. Be a witness to the light like John the Baptist!
Accept Jesus and be transformed from darkness (death) to light (life).
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